**Level 1**  The human operator does the task and turns it o...

Level 1

The human operator does the task and turns it over to the computer to implement. Manual

Level 2

The computer helps by determining the options. Assisted

Level 3

The computer helps determine and suggests options. The human operator can choose to follow the recommendation. Partial automation

Level 4

The computer selects the action and the human operator decides if it should or should not be done. Decision support

Level 5

The computer selects the action and implements it if the human operator approves the action. Decision automation

Level 6

The computer selects the action and informs the human operator in case the operator wants to cancel the action. Task automation

Level 7

The computer does the action and tells the human operator what is did. Passive automation

Level 8

The computer does the action and tells the human only if the human operator asks. On-demand information

Level 9

The computer does the action when told and tells the human operator only if the computer decides the operator should be told. Active monitoring

Level 10

The computer does the action if it decides it should be done. The computer tells the human operator only if it decides the operator should be told. Full automation
